Monday, January 03, 2005

Back in Snowy Utah

It only snows here when I go home. I have mixed feelings about that.

Well, the new semester has started. My load is lighter this year. Maybe now I can make straight A's. The last semester was not too bad. I thought I was going to die but it was more like a car wreck. I walked away with minor scrapes and bruises. My GPA is hanging on by a thread.

The Christmas break was fun. I went ice skating on Christmas Eve. Needless to say after about four turns around the giant Christmas tree I ended up with a bruised butt, a bruised ego and a minor head injury. After Christmas I larned how to ride a horse. That was fun. I've been on horses before but not by myself. I survived.

I went to Houston between the holidays. I went bowling. My five year old nephew beat me every time. I did get a strike though. I threw the ball, turned my back to get another ball and when I looked up the pins were all gone. I was stunned. Every time I go to Houston we eat at this Mexican seafood place. Before last summer I hated shrimp and now we go there just to eat shrimp and rice. I also had my yearly reminder of why I should not have children yet. I helped my oldest sister with her new born son, Joshua. He is so cute. I can only handle it for a couple of hours. I got to make his bottle and feed him. I even worked on eating while holding the baby (but that was with the two month old, Jared). Wow, I have a new found respect for motherhood. Elizabeth and I babysat my other sister's kids, Jared and Neavi, for New Years Eve. I took care of Neavi. She is two years old and can talk a parrot to death. She is so much fun. I could not get near Jared and Joshua because I had a cold. Neavi stayed up till one. Mari, her mom, said that was her normal bed time! Wow!

The last of the pregnant woman exploded before Christmas. Llromes-Lem Jr. was born on the 21st. We braved the cold and the snow to see him. Seeing a new born baby is like eating the perfect brownie or listening to your favorite song, time just seems stand still for a moment. Llromesito makes an even eight. Each of my older siblings have two kids each. I keep joking that I'll have to have twins when I get married but if I have twins I'll die. At the rate I am going they'll have six or seven each...


At January 5, 2005 at 3:47 PM , Blogger Ana said...

I am so sorry to hear that. Is your mom ok? How about you? How are you holding up? I wish I could say something to make you feel better but I don't know what to say... always remember that Heavenly Father loves you so much and he'll help you be strong for your mom. If there is anything you need me for you know my email. I wish I could take all the hurt and the pain away but I can't only you can. Remember that I'll always be your friend.

At April 29, 2005 at 5:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ana,


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