Wednesday, October 20, 2004

drip, drip. drip....

Wow, it's really raining out there. I forgot how wet it gets when it rains. Rain in Utah is not very common. Usually when it rains it just drizles for a couple of hours but its been raining for two days straight and today it was real rain, almost like in Dallas.

This morning I was running around trying to get my Spanish presentation together and ended up getting really wet. I had to run to the "Cougar Creations" place in the student center to make transparencies and then I had to run to the library to print out my paper. The dumb computer there would not open my U drive so I went to two other labs before I decided to just go to the one next to my dorm. I should have just done that in my room but then I still had to go to another building and make copies of my presentation for the whole class. Lets just say that I had to give my presentation all wet and my hair was all napy. Even though I only had one class today because my other class was canceled, I ended up runing to campus several times and the rain did not let up. I changed my jeans twice because they were so soaked. Finaly after going out for ice cream with the apartment I changed into my nice warm pjs.

So here they have this thing where if the boy you like holds your hand you buy your roommates M&Ms, if he kisses you you buy then ice cream. There are other steps but if you get engaged you cook them a stake dinner. I dont know if its a BYU thing.... but at the speed that I am going, they are not getting anything from me.

By that way today was my brother Oscar's birth day (the one that turns off the lights when you ask him to close the door). He turned 12 today. He was born at home. The doctors turned my mom away from the hospital because they said it was not time. Well, after seven kids you think she'd know. My dad delivered him and then the ambulace got there.


At October 22, 2004 at 10:05 PM , Blogger Ana said...

Christina, you can have any food that you want. You have a lot of time to think about it....

Victor, good luck with everything.


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