Avoiding Homework
I got back from the testing center two hours ago, I've been on the computer for about an hour now. I am just avoiding homewok. I went around to read some bloggs but I was very disappointed. Where are all the bloggers? No one has updated since the first of October. Some since September (Christina!). I was really excited to get my blog but no one is reading it or even posting on their own bloggs. I might just have to stop blogging. I did find Superchick's was updated. Is everyone to busy for bloggs. Well, if I can make time so can you!
Today I took a Molecular Biology Lab test (a lot of math). I don't know if I passed because the test was written. I went in there expecting a miltiple choice test and they hand me a written. It was like expecting a brownie and they gave you icecream. Both are equally as good, but it just was not what I was expecting. I wanted a multiple choice test because if I could not work out the problem, at least I had a chance to guess, but in a written one, there was no way I could guess at the answer without woking it out. Man, I was bumbed. There is a guy who works at the testing center who is positive that he has meet me before in DT (Deseret Towers, the dorms I used to live in last year). But I can not for the life of me remember ever seeing him. He said he was in our lobby all the time because he was dating a girl that lived there, but I never hung out in the lobby. I only passed by on my way to the cafeteria. This is the second time I've seen him at the testing center this semester and he is still sure that he knows me. I don't think my memory is that bad. I just thought it was strange.
In the clinical lab that I have, where we've been analyzing blood, we moved on to Urinalisis. Yeah, that was an intresting day. I wont go much into deatil, but I will say that I ended up running out of the lecture cause I could not wait any longer. I grabed a cup and ran as fast as I could for a restroom. After all I had just finished drinking two tall glasses of water and a bottle of water on my way to class, I HAD TO GO! The teacher understood. Poor Ya-Nee had to hold it for three hours. We analyzed it for a bunch of things. We even saw it under a microsope. It's amazing what you can find. It was a very interesting experiance that I never want to have to personaly do again.
The bloggers have been pretty quiet lately! Lizeth finally posted an update, and I plan to soon. Your urinalysis experience sounds funny (in retrospect). Are you finished with English classes already? What a shame--but then again, you can't cure cancer with an English degree. ;)
You only comment after I complain about you not reading my blog. Sorry you had a bad week. Things will get better I promise.
I still need to take a higher level English class and was thinking a squezing in a litterature class or two (one English one Spanish). Mr. Locke suggested the idea of an English minor. I need to see if I can fit that in with my two majors. You know I have to laugh at myself everyday here at BYU other wise I would go crazy.
Well good. (about you being better). If you read it that much I guess I should post every day. I just... now that I have this blog the point was to stay connected but I felt very unconected or disconected. I want to hear about your day... what Harvard is like. I am considering applying for a research internship up there or any where else. I hear it pays very good and you get a good research experiance. I also want to live somewere else for a summer. Utah, well, I am ready to see more.
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