Wednesday, January 05, 2005


I woke up this morning, walked to the kitchen, looked out the window and WOW!!! EVERYTHING IS ALL COVERED IN SNOW! It's a winter wonderland. It took me by surprise. I was not expecting snow at all. It looks to beautiful.

Now it has been snowing nonstop all day. There is about six to eight inches of snow on the ground. I slipped all the way to class this morning. It is very hard to walk in the slush that forms after the snow has been all stepped on so I ran in the snow because I was late again to class. It's not a good idea when you are wearing ankle socks. I could feel the wet snow getting in my pants and shoes. But it was refreshing because after walking for ten min you start burning up under you coat.

First days of class are always exciting. I like my classes this semester. I only have six classes (four Mon, Wed, Fri and two Tue and Thur). I am taking Genetics, Biochemistry, Medical Microbiology 2, Religion, Spanish grammar and Iberian Civilization. All the teachers sound like they really like what they teach. The beechen teacher said he has taught the course for about 40 years now but he sounds very pationate about biochem. Today I just ran around trying to finish buying my books. I thought I was done but something was wrong with me yesterday when I first bought textbooks, I bought two books for classes I am not in and failed to buy all the materials needed for the classes I am in.

I had breakfast on the floor of the JKHB, the foreign language building. First I accidentally sat across from the boys restroom but I had to move it felt weird to eat there when all the boys would come out. I moved a couple of yards across from the custodian's closet. I was just one more in the piles of people that liter the halls of the buildings once the snow starts to fall. Last year I slept many naps on the floor of the MARB (Bio building) and ate lunch on the floor of the BNSN (the chem building). This year my home will be the JKHB. I start every day in the MARB (which is a good thing because I can practicably sleep walk to the MARB) and end it in the JKHB.

In the grammar class when the teacher, a lady from Argentina, was taking roll she read my name and said, "Esa si es de las mias!" I felt all tingly inside.


At January 9, 2005 at 4:50 PM , Blogger Noemi said...

Wow I didn't know you could sleep or even sit in the hallways. I wish we'd have real snow over here. About how many hispanics are in your classes?


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