Monday, January 17, 2005

MLK Jr. Day

Well, I spent most of Sat. out so now I have to spend my holiday studing. My roommate had a Harry Potter Movie marathon this weekend. We watched all three movies. It was ok. I gave my brothers the third one for Christmas but I did not get to watch it myself untill yesterday. Wow! JK is brilliant! How in the world can a person create such a world. I did not really like the new director, he just changed some stuff on the set that I thought should have been made to look like the set that the other director had.

I have a long day ahead of me. I have to catch up on my reading assignments from last week. I have managed to stay on track with most of my classes, I am just a little behing on genetics. I still have to do the assigned homework problems at the end of the chapters even though I dont have to turn them in. Man, that's just like college. Teachers give you homework but you dont get credit for doing it. At least they should give us completion points or something.


At January 18, 2005 at 4:14 PM , Blogger Ana said...

Well, being told that you have to go to college is a good start. I was in the same situation that you are in when I was a junior. No one told me what to do , where to go or how to get there... no one will tell you unless you ask.

You have some wonderful teachers at Sunset that will help you with everything they can. Mrs. Grimes helped me fill out FAFSA forms, well she did not sit there and tell me what to do but I sat in her room on her computer and asked her questions when I did not understand something. Mr. Locke helped me fill out the housing application for BYU. They have been through it before, they have some clue as to what to do. All you have to do is ask. I can try to help answer some questions that you might have about college. That is why I started this blog in the first place.


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