Sunday, September 25, 2005

Midterms: Round One...

What a horrible week!!!! Midterms just crept up on me and ambushed me. I had my first midterm for Spanish Translation, Immunology, and my other Spanish class (A comparative study of Spanish and English) that is more like a linguistics class. I also had to write a History paper on a novel I had not started and give a group presentation on a translation assignment. I took it one day at a time (so I would not get stressed) worked on what ever was due first and some how I survived. This is the real university experience for a slacker. I was running on four to five hours of sleep each night and by Thursday I was feeling it. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of relaxing on the weekend.

All of last week I had no time to get my nose out of my books to look at the news so I had no idea what was going on in Texas until Friday night. My sister that lives in Houston evacuated to Dallas on Wednesday morning. Our church building in Oak Cliff was filled with people from Houston that had no place to go. The people went to the member’s houses to shower and I guess they cooked their meals in the little kitchen in the building. So today they just held church services for an hour. I think they’ve all gone home now, but man what a sight that must have been. I kind of wish I could have been there to help out but oh well.

I am a new convert to football. On Saturday I went to my first college football game, BYU vs. TCU. After my roommate taught some of the rules of the game I was able to follow a little bit. I had no idea that a game could last for five hours; no wonder housewives get so upset at their Monday-night-football addict husbands. We lost by a touchdown in overtime because of a bad call by the ref. But overall our team has improved a lot since last season. I decided that maybe I should learn more so that I can go see my freshman brother play at Sunset. Oh man I will miss this entire season.

Well I have to get back to work. I have another busy week: three tests, two midterms, and one translation assignment. That’s life.


At September 26, 2005 at 11:46 AM , Blogger Elisabeth said...

Football!! What's going on there... I hate midterms, too. They should be exterminated. Good luck!

At September 28, 2005 at 5:35 PM , Blogger Rocio said...

Football games can be exciting. I have not had any Midterms yet but by the sound of it,I should be prepared. So I guess school doesn't get easier?

At December 25, 2005 at 3:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

like tumbler and tipsy days hopefully we will remain in high spirits. well, good day


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