I got a job!
Yay!!!! I will be working on call at the bookstore (which is not much just a day or two a week if I am lucky). I was actually looking for something else that would pay more because by budget for this summer was a little tight and I had some unexpected payments to make. I have to make enough to pay rent for the first and last payments of the up comming fall semesters. I guess its part of growing up. I had to cut my weekly budget for food from $30 to $15. I have been living on mac and cheese, tuna, ramen noodles and migas. It has been some adventure looking for a job. Today I walked across campus to one of the cafeterias to apply for a custodial job just to find out that they had just hired some one else on the spot two minutes before I walked in to the office... I was so angry I just wanted to kick some thing... but the long walk back to my appartment cooled me down some.
Anyways I am taking two classes this term; cell biology and spanish grammar. The cell biology will be the hardest class I have to take because my whole grade depends on the final. The spanish I hope wont give me to much trouble. I feel so useless taking only two classes. Last term I took four and even that felt useless compared to the six to eight I usually take in the fall/winter semesters. So that is why I figured I could get a job for once.
Well the cell biology book it calling my name, I still have about 30 pages of reading that I have put off for two days and cant afford to put off any longer.
Wow a job on campus...I still can't get through with just thinking that you're only using $15 dollars to eat. How do you do it? I spend that much a day because I have to use my points and it hurts just to see it all go away like that. I hope your job helps out and now that I'm actually at college I can understand that whole class and final deal WAY better. Keep posting!
An update at last! You'll have to post often before your next round of midterms/finals begins. Your diet doesn't sound too healthy--maybe you could start growing tomatoes by your window?
Yeah sorry for not updating before... I just go through weeks of having everything to do and then there are weeks were nothing is going on. Well Noemi the $15 a week is not to bad when you have walmart. Besides I think I eat healthier then my roommates who eat cereal all day. As long as I can afford the basic (bread, milk, cheese, tortillas, eggs, things like that) I wont go hungry.
thought-provoking, mootable pv. just my thoughts, well anyways gl & be chipper is what i say
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