Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Brain dead...

I just got back from the testing center. I had to take two tests today and now I am all drained. I took Spanish grammar and then I took medical microbiology. A lot of times when I am at the testing center taking really hard tests it remindes me of AcDec. Ah, the good ol times. There is so much stuff that we learned in AcDec that comes in handy again. But those days are over. Now I only compete with myself and the only recognition I get is when they anonnimously post the grades on the screen. We dont always need meddals to feel good about our performance.

Well, now I must try to learn all the genetics I can before tomorrows test.


At February 5, 2005 at 10:20 PM , Blogger Ana said...

I have never heard of it. How do I get to your blog? I am glad that you like A&M. How is there with you? How did your first semester go?


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