Tennis is over...
Well, tennis came and left. I really suck on the court but I am perfect (or almost perfect) on paper. I aced all my tennis tests (luckily none were skills tests). Well it was fun while it lasted. The coach gave us tennis balls and introduced us to some of the players when ever they would show up on the courts so I guess it was not a total waste ;) There are two Hispanics on the team; maybe I'll go cheer for them.
I get to start the second part of translation class on Wed... Our other teacher (for the first part) fell off her wheel chair and broke her nose. We did not get to say bye but she will be our teacher for the next two years. I wonder what her new nose will look like?
I went on a blind group date on Friday. Yeah it was quite an experience of a lifetime, much like breaking your arm. You dont plan on it until some one pushes you. The whole thing feels like a blur. Then after it happens its not too bad but recalling it brings back painful memories and you dont ever want to do that again. Until you go skiing then you break a leg.
Should Google kill Blogspot?
Chris Pirillo is hopping mad about a recent swarm of search spam coming from one rather conspicious domain: The accusation is that, for whatever reason, it's far too easy for spammers to send ...
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The only time I ever tried to play tennis I sucked worse than you could possibly have ever been. I loved reading your description of your blind group date-make it a new chapter in the book! I miss you so have no idea.
I cant wait for you to come back...
Poor teacher.So she was already incapacitated(spelling?)And about the tennis deal, the way I see it you rock simply for having attempted to play. There's so many people who would rather not even try for fear of not playing well.
Neomi, you described me exactly... i usually dont do things because i am too scared or because i know i'll fail but this time i was motivated by the need to fulfill a requirement. I do have to admit that it was then funest class I have taken here.
COOL!!! New wheels.... you can come pick me up any time;)
I have been wanting to go see you but you live too far, but you can get me and we can play games at your place like old times. I walked by Heritage today and I just miss living there with you guys so much. Give me a call so we can do something. I am usually free every weekend (except for this one).
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