Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Chubby Bunny

I participated in my first chubby bunny contest… or whatever. For those of you that have never heard of “Chubby Bunny” before, its this ridiculous game where you put a marshmallow in your mouth and say “chubby bunny” then you repeat adding a marshmallow every time until you cant say chubby bunny anymore. Its disgusting and even sicker when boys are involved so naturally this is the perfect FHE activity. So I was sure that there was no way you could get me to do this but after seeing how much more lame it was to be all girly and skip out on it I decided to just go for it and do however many all the other girls were doing. It would have been embarrassing to actually see what the maximum capacity of my oral cavity was so after seeing all the other people go (minus the annoying girly girls on the couch) I was faced with a bag or gigantic marshmallows and two boys on either side of me. On my right was Nate (not interested but a boy nonetheless) and on my left was the Stake High Councilman’s cute 22-year-old son who goes to the U. I picked one up and suddenly blood rushed to my head… should I do it? It was a lose lose situation. Do it and look like a dork or not do it and look like a dork… So I put one in my mouth and said it, I proceeded to put another one in my mouth. Then Allie (FHE sister) said, “She looks so cute, look at how big her cheeks are.” Then everyone was staring at my fat cheeks, I could feel their stares. I thought it was the most embarrassing thing I have ever willingly done and then Nate called me “cheeks” and I knew I had hit rock bottom but I continued with the marshmallows, now I had to beat all the other girls (there was not way that I could go for gold because the guys put 16 in their moths and that was just sick looking, I could not at sick to my already embarrassed face). I had about five when the whole room started chanting “Cheeks, cheeks.” I laughed, swallowed and barfed all at the same time. It was the most sickest feeling in my life. I actually gagged in front of everybody. I thought I was going to die of embarrassment but once I passed the bag of marshmallows I was old news and all eyes were on the Stake High Councilmen’s son. And my one embarrassing moment of fame vanished just as fast as it had happened.


At November 15, 2005 at 9:33 PM , Blogger JG said...

Hey Ana, I was blog-hopping, and I came across your awesome blog. No, this is not an advertisement...so don't even think about deleting my comment.

I've played chubby bunny before, and have had my share of embarassing moments (even caught on tape!)

Hope you had fun! Thanks for sharing your Chubby Bunny experience!

At November 16, 2005 at 6:38 PM , Blogger Ana said...

Thanks for reading it guy... I guess...

Jessie why didn't you tell me about Chubby Bunny before, I though it was something my roommate made up but aparently its an old game that everyone and their mom's played...


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