Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I am a sick-O.

Ok so I just spent one hour washing the kitchen sink, counters, scrub brushes, and sponges because I was worried that salmonella might be growing on them. Last night my roommate washed and cut ten pounds of chicken on the sink and counter and all the chicken-salmonella water was splashed all over the place and I am sure she used the scrub brush and sponges to “clean up” but it was still greasy and salmonellay. I actually soaked the sink in chlorine water so it will kill all the bacteria growing in there. Then I washed my hands like three times. I think that I need to change my major before I get to paranoid about things like this but my other major is not going so well. Now I don’t know if I speak English or Spanish. Its just a miracle that I can communicate all thought there is not much need for communication when you spend Fridays and Saturday nights alone in the apartment with the T.V. Now I have to go study for a Virology midterm…

Oh and I almost set the kitchen on fire today (no I was not making rice) I was making soup (Ramen). I was just boiling some water but I accidentally turned on the back burner where some baking pans were sitting with bread scrumbs (smaller then a slice of bread but bigger then a crumb) and left to watch t.v. I was waiting for a commercial to go add the soup in when the smoke detector went off. At first I thought that the aluminum had caught fire (happens a lot) but as I turned the corner into the kitchen I saw it was filled with smoke (big time). I rushed to pull the baking pans off the stove (I remembered that they usually get hot when heat is placed under then) so I grabbed a towel sitting on the counter and put them on the other burner. Needless to say the back burner rod was flaming hot, the pans were black (they used to be gray) and my water was colder then a dead old lady’s hand (not that I would know how cold that is). Hurried up and closed the hall door to stop the fire alarm and ran to open the door and windows. I was fanning the smoke away (towel swinging over my head) when my roommate (the owner of the pans) walked in the door. She said she could see the smoke from the first floor (we live in the third floor). So once the crisis was taken care of I went to class where while sitting on the front row, trying hard to stay awake, I discovered that the horrible smell that had awaken me was me. My sweater and my hair smelled like smoke but the weird-O part was that I could not stop smelling it and no doubt making faces at the bad smell that was I. The teacher must think I am nuts, I spend most of class time making stupid faces as my eyes droop and my heads jerks back as I fall asleep and now I could not stop smelling my self.

Seriously, I am a sick-O and I need help.


At November 18, 2005 at 12:11 PM , Blogger Elisabeth said...

I think that the only help you need is to get out of the kitchen...but that would be a big tragedy for me, because I love your cooking. Seriously, you have no idea how much I miss your rice. Yummy....

At November 21, 2005 at 3:48 PM , Blogger aguila said...

Sounds like an interesting experience you had there. So how have you been? How are your classes going? Well take care talk to you later.


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