Monday, February 23, 2009


Hello..... hellooooo.... hellooooooooo……can anybody hear me? Is anyone still out there? I know I disappeared for two almost three years but hey, I'm back. I went to live in California for a while but now I'm back at BYU trying to finish what I started 5 long years ago, with a couple of added items to the itinerary making a grand total of a major in Clinical Lab Science, Spanish Translation, and (can I get a drum roll please) a minor in History, just for fun. I figure I’ve been at BYU for a long time; I might as well have something to show for it.

Being back in school is brutal. My first semester back was harder than my freshman year. Though my study habits have improved drastically since freshman year, all of my friends have graduated and moved away, graduated and married, or out on missions of their own. So I was left to fend for myself again and make new friends; luckily I brought some friends back with me that I met in California. They are great :D

Well, it has been quite an adventure trying to reintegrate myself into “society.” As a missionary you are isolated from “the world” (and I literally mean the world: music, movies, anything that you used to spend time on is out, family and friends except through letters and two phone calls home a year) so that you can truly focus on the work. It was a challenge at first but it has been the greatest thing in the world. When you remove every label that you use to identify yourself (i.e. punk rock, rap, fubu, volcome, Wicked, Napoleon Dynamite, etc.) you are left with who you really are, or that is where the task of finding who you really are begins, and you can determine what you want to become. It’s almost like a new beginning. So this is the new and improved version of me if there is still anyone out there along for the ride.



At February 23, 2009 at 12:17 PM , Blogger Neal Locke said...

Welcome back, Anamaniac!

It's good to hear from you again, and that your mission trip was a genuine opportunity for self-discovery. I'm hoping that my experience here at Seminary (which I know has a completely different meaning in LDS circles, right?) will be something similar. So when do you graduate?

At February 23, 2009 at 2:27 PM , Blogger Ana said...

Right. Well sort of. In the LDS community seminary is intense scripture study but at a high school level so less intense than in other faiths. It's suppose to a way to develop good scripture study habits but mostly just ends up being something you do in high school.

I graduate possibly this August or August of next year if I get accepted to the Clinical Lab Science program in March. I’m torn between graduating now with Translation (which is just something I do) or staying another year and graduating with Translation and Clinical Lab Science (which I love even though I’m not so good at it yet). How about you, when do you finish your masters program?

At February 23, 2009 at 8:04 PM , Blogger Neal Locke said...

I'm here for the next four or five years, depending on whether I, too, get to do a "mission trip." Actually it's called "field education" here, and we're (my family) hoping we can do it in Scotland or Ireland. If so, that would mean five years.

Good luck with the Clinical Lab Science program, and let me know when you find out!

At February 24, 2009 at 5:50 PM , Blogger Ana said...

WOW! That's cool. How long is your feild education? And that's cool that your family gets to go too. Scotland or Ireland would be so awsome.


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