Saturday, February 18, 2006

Last Week

Just when it started feeling like spring was coming, we get five inches of snow.

Well, I am swamped with work so I have to get back and stop avoiding my reading. I have to read a 400-page book called BOWLING ALONE The Collapse and Revival of American Community for Political Science class. I have to write a five-page paper by Friday so I have a lot to read. My goal was to read it last week and write my paper this week but I read through 50 pages and fell asleep five times reading so it does not look promising. It is going to be one of those weeks. I have so many assignments due this week and like always I did not realize everything was due this week until yesterday. Well, wish me luck and I hope I survive.

Oh but on a more happy note, the bookstore was doing inventory this week. It was so much fun counting all those books and things. I think inventory is my favorite part, and buy-back (when the bookstore buys books back from the students at 60% of the new price and we have to put then in order and stuff).

Oh and all last week they had some service projects in the student building so I went almost everyday to help. We colored pictures for the head start program and made beanies for the Humanitarian aid people. It was so much fun. They had these hat looms, which is just a wooden or plastic ring with pegs sticking out of the top and you make the hat looping the string and pulling the strings over the loop. Someone said it was crocheting for dummies. I was so cool but since I could only go in for an hour of two, I never had to finish my own hat. It felt just like back in the days with Key Club and National Honor Society. I missed that feeling.


At February 25, 2006 at 1:07 PM , Blogger aguila said...

Well good luck ana, hope you survive! How is everythig going? take care ttyl!


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