Monday, December 13, 2004

First day of finals!!!!

So yeah, it is that time of the year again; finals week. I know I wont get any sympathy from you guys, you are also going through finals. In college some of the finals are scheduled some you can take when ever you want (with in that week). I have eight classes, and five are scheduled. Two are scheduled for 7 a.m.

So today I woke up at 6:15 a.m. to get dressed. I studied for religion on my walk to the building this morning. I took the test and I passed but in a way I have been studing for religion all my life. My friend comented that we should not be given tests before the sun comes out. I agree. No one is functioning before sunrise.

After that I studied for an hour and a half for organic chemistry. This was supposed to be a standardized test so it was going to be easier then the ones this crazy teacher gives us. I was odd that our test actually started on question 60 not question 1 like all the other normal tests though.

Today we had this one guy, one of my roomate's friend, cook dinner for us. He said that since we always feed him he wanted to feed us. Surpisingly enough the pasta thing was edible. I was actually good.

Last night we had a sugar-high. My roomates love to bake things and we had about a pound of fudge. And if that was no enough all the girls from the building brought us treats for helping out with this or that. By the end of the night we could not even speak in compleat sentences anymore.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Hey, Eli want to read your blog so post some things for her to read. I gave her your URL address. OK. I also told her that with finals coming up you might not get to blog anymore. Will you still find a place to check your blog?

Speaking of finals, I have one more week to go then this semester will be over forever. I have eight finals and counting... After that its good-bye organic chemistry, good-bye medical microbiology, and good-bye Molecular biology... but hello biochemistry, hello medical microbiology 2 and hello genetics.... it just never ends.....

Monday, December 06, 2004

I just spent 30 min typing this post about my day today and how I had to fight a vending machine for a brownie and just as I was about to post it I lost it to cyber space!!!! So now I can't recall the story because if I try it won't be as good as the first one....