Tuesday, September 27, 2005

All the rain turns to snow.

I played tennis in the rain today, it was…… well, wet. When we were done losing the match my doubles partner accidentally hit me on the leg with a wet ball... it hurt. I should be banned from the tennis courts and never be allowed to return. But yeah, I try. I don’t have a good positive attitude about it but then again I have never been positive about anything. Oh well. It was cold after history class today (like 69 degrees). It just reminded me that it’s going to be very cold soon. I’m excited that I get to wear sweaters again but I don’t want it to snow yet... I’m not done learning tennis. Although we have about 20 days left for this block to end... I don’t think I'll get any better. But life will go on and there is always the indoor tennis courts.

I cant wait for dinner... chicken and broccoli stuff....... yummy.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Midterms: Round One...

What a horrible week!!!! Midterms just crept up on me and ambushed me. I had my first midterm for Spanish Translation, Immunology, and my other Spanish class (A comparative study of Spanish and English) that is more like a linguistics class. I also had to write a History paper on a novel I had not started and give a group presentation on a translation assignment. I took it one day at a time (so I would not get stressed) worked on what ever was due first and some how I survived. This is the real university experience for a slacker. I was running on four to five hours of sleep each night and by Thursday I was feeling it. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of relaxing on the weekend.

All of last week I had no time to get my nose out of my books to look at the news so I had no idea what was going on in Texas until Friday night. My sister that lives in Houston evacuated to Dallas on Wednesday morning. Our church building in Oak Cliff was filled with people from Houston that had no place to go. The people went to the member’s houses to shower and I guess they cooked their meals in the little kitchen in the building. So today they just held church services for an hour. I think they’ve all gone home now, but man what a sight that must have been. I kind of wish I could have been there to help out but oh well.

I am a new convert to football. On Saturday I went to my first college football game, BYU vs. TCU. After my roommate taught some of the rules of the game I was able to follow a little bit. I had no idea that a game could last for five hours; no wonder housewives get so upset at their Monday-night-football addict husbands. We lost by a touchdown in overtime because of a bad call by the ref. But overall our team has improved a lot since last season. I decided that maybe I should learn more so that I can go see my freshman brother play at Sunset. Oh man I will miss this entire season.

Well I have to get back to work. I have another busy week: three tests, two midterms, and one translation assignment. That’s life.

Friday, September 16, 2005


I dont remember ever really celebrating Mexico's independance before. Sure we must have done it in Mexico but I was like 5 years old last time I was in Mexico for its independance. The Mexicans here in Provo are really into celebrating Mexico's independance. I dont remember it being a big deal in Texas but maybe I just did not know. Well there was some festival on campus last night to celebrate but I did not get the memo so I missed it. So today I am just celebrating in my room. I am throwing a one person dance party. The Spanish radio station is actually playing good music today. Listening to this just makes me home-sick but its ok. I cant just listen to the music I have to get up and dance. Oh I love this song.... got to go.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

week two

Man I love tennis! Now when I watch the US open I can actually follow along with the scoring. I've had about two weeks of lessons and I still suck but its great. I never thought I would actually like sports but they are not so bad. I went putting last night and the guy was like, "man you must have been good at Geometry cause that was a nice shot." It bounced of the wall and went in the hole. Yeah I was not that great in Geometry or golf but I am really liking tennis. Who thought that mexicans could play tennis. ( I was referring to the other mexican girl in the class). And by the way its a great way to lose the freshman 15 or in my case the freshman 2.

The rest of the classes are not as much fun. Well maybe phonetics where I have to record my converstaion with someone and do a self evaluation on my Spanish pronounciation. Yeah I guess we all have room for improvement.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

One week down

The first week of school was so crazy.... well maybe not as crazy as just busy. I have classes from 8 a.m. to 4:15 with hour breaks in between. Then work after classes to 8 p.m. I am so glad that as an on call worker I only work the first and last weeks of the semester because there is no way I can handle school and work. My feet hurt, my back hurts, my knee hurts and I am all ready behind on my reading. Yesterday I was to tired to do anything so I just went back to bed after work and then got up and watched an 80's movie marathon on t.v.

But other then that classes are great... well, actually they are weird. My first two years here I took mostly science classes Biology and Chemistry and now I have to take a different type of class, Linguistics and Phonetics. I am having a difficult time because these classes are based on people's ideas and their thoughts not on experiments, its just a different kind of science. Well besides that I am taking History, Immunology, Virology, New Testament, Tennis and the first Translation class for my major. Oh my tennis coach is the BYU mens tennis coach. He has played at Wimbledon and the US open and the Australian open and all this other places. I am so excited to learn a new sport that I have never played before but even more excited that once again (like in high school) I get to have amazing teachers.