Leaving my comfort zone
Sorry for not being here for about a month. I have been battleing a potential virus on my computer and I think I have won. My computer just started acting all kinds of crazy opening and closing windows and not letting me do things. It was very frustrating. It kept turning off and on the fire wall and the virus protection stuff. I spent all day yesterday messing with it and today it is much better, luck of the Irish I guess...
So it's not like you missed anything interesting. I have decided to do more things outside the appartment though. I figured that I spent more time on our couch then any where else. So it's now time to leave my comfort zone and try new things (like studding in the library). This also means that I am moving out of the dormrooms, it's time to be a big girl now. Besides they are infested with freshmen.
We thew our oldest roommate a party in the basement the other day it was fun. I was the missterss of ceremonies, I led the party. I was also the decorator. We played a game of Jesspordy ( a variation of Jeapordy but the categories were all about my roommate Jessi). It was so much fun, I did not get to play because I was there when they wrote some of the questions so I just helped the contestants cheat. We had a friend of Jessi vs. a cousin vs. a roommate. The roommates won. It was baised towards roommates.
Nothing else is going on. The weather is going crazy.... hot, cold, spring or winter... Utah just needs to make up its mind.
By the way, not that I am complaining but mearly pointing out the injustices, but my whole family is vacationing in Mexico while I am stuck here. I dont get a spring break so I have to stay up here and freaking study! Sorry just blowing off some steam...
Oh and today I get to eat my first traditional Irish meal, corn-beef and cabbage. We had a traditional German one the other day.