Sunday, April 23, 2006

Finally finals... again

I never feel like posting until I read all of your blogs. That or I am just avoiding studding for finals. I feel like I was sleeping from mid February through the beginning of April and just now I’ve woken up and I have a lot to do. Yeah so BYU is in the middle of finals, which means that I am swamped with work. I have been working full shifts during reading days at the bookstore and then I am too tired to study at night, which is not good. So now I start with my finals so I'll only work half days maybe I can study now. I have to take two spanish lit tests tomorrow, polisci tuesday, and english wednesday and I'll be done. I pack on thursday and fly home friday. Well that's the plan anyway.

I get to go home and work all summer and then in October I start a whole new chapter in my life. It will be the hardest, scariest thing (other then marriage) that I will ever do in my life but like marriage it will change my life for all time and all eternity. I am both scared and excited to fulfill this mission but I know that I need to do this. In the conference this April Elder Richard G. Scott echoed what I had said to myself a couple of months ago. I will never regret going but I will always regret not having gone, so I am going.