A Month!!!!
It just occurred to me that I have been in school for a whole month! Wow, it went by so fast. Now we are getting to my least favorite part of school, the midterms. No matter how much I study, I still fail them.
Some colleges have what is called as a "testing center." They come in all shapes and sizes. Basically it’s just a place where you take exams any time you want. You do have to take them during the days the teacher designated though. The testing center at BYU is the biggest in the nation. We have an entire building for a testing center. The entire top floor is nothing but infinite rows of desks. There are special rooms in the bottom floor for online tests and one that plays soothing music. My roommate Elisabeth says that she has a lucky chair. I wanted to borrow it but I think I would break it. Anyways after the tests are graded they post the scores on several t.v. screens by the down stairs exits. You have to look up you ID number so no one knows it's you. When you get a really good score, anything above a 90, they flash big red "CONGRATULATIONS" by your number. The whole time I have been here, I have only seen it twice by my name; once last year and once Monday. I always leave the testing center almost in tears.
Why do teachers have to make tests so hard! Do they get together to see who can come up with the hardest questions? Multiple-choice tests are even harder. Some teachers have the: a, b, c, d, choices and then they throw in e) all of the above, f) some of the above but not all of the above, and g) none of the above. I mean if it’s none of the above then why ask that in the first place!
I should go study. I have a Biology midterm tomorrow, a Chemistry one on Monday, another Biology (lab) one on Tuesday and you know what, one every week until thanksgiving! It's not so bad when you have one every week, it's when you have three or four a week that kills you.
But don't let this discourage anyone from going to college because not every college is the same and somehow it always turns out OK. I am just giving you a heads up. Now you'll know what to expect.