Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Snow again!!!

So it was about a week since the last snow fall, now it's snowing again. It's been about two days now. I am kind of glad that it snowed yesterday and not Saturday.

On Saturday my roommate and I had to go stand in line for seven hours to sign up for and apartment at this all girls place. It was freezing cold, it kept raining and we were like number 100th in line. They only had spots for like 60 girls so I knew we were not geting in but then had to wait like five hours to tell us that! So yeah, we did not get a contract for Fall/ Winter but we did get one for Spring/ Summer... now we are on a stupid waiting list. We are waiting and hoping someone gets married over the summer and does not come back or hoping someone changes their mind and decides they dont really want to live a block away from campus or just hoping that someone changes their mind. It's better then my original plan, burn the place down because if I cant live in it no one can... the rain froze my brain and toes.

On Sunday I got a foot injury that was affecting my brain.

Today I got attacked by the door knob but it did not hurt untill an hour later (then my elbow was hurting).

Monday, February 07, 2005

New Week, Fresh Start.

This morning the snow turned to rain on my walk to class then the rain turned to snow on my way back home after class... how funny is that. It has only snowed about a half inch or so in the last two hours but those were some monster snow flackes. These were not gentle, fluffy, feathery things these were nickle and quarter size, smack you in the face and attack you monsters. So Utah is once more a winter wonderland. I am just glad that it did not snow last week when I was running around taking tests all week. But now its a new week and after a relaxing weekend of no homework I am ready for the next round of midterms.

Friday, February 04, 2005


So after spilling my brains out over five tests in about a week, I could not even put complete thoughts together anymore. The Genetics test was four problems each with a, b,c and d parts. So a total of 16 questions.

Today I could not focus in my classes, I was just brain dead. A deadly combination of no sleep and no brain. We had to do this assignment in spanish class and I could not function normaly, I was just sitting there stareing at the paper. You know I have done my home work in some very unorthodox places but this has got to be the first time that I have ever done my home work while walking to class. I had to read a little article about euthanasia in spanish. So because I was more focused on not tripping I only understood half the material, that is probably why I could not focus in class.

I beat up the chicken for dinner with a thingy (long stick with a pointy block on the end).

But other wise all is well. No sign of snow. And I signed up for spring and summer classes the other night. I have a full load. I get to take Geology (I am substituting it for Physics). I am scared of college math.

I need sleep now. Bye.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Brain dead...

I just got back from the testing center. I had to take two tests today and now I am all drained. I took Spanish grammar and then I took medical microbiology. A lot of times when I am at the testing center taking really hard tests it remindes me of AcDec. Ah, the good ol times. There is so much stuff that we learned in AcDec that comes in handy again. But those days are over. Now I only compete with myself and the only recognition I get is when they anonnimously post the grades on the screen. We dont always need meddals to feel good about our performance.

Well, now I must try to learn all the genetics I can before tomorrows test.